Home To School Transport Review

Home To School Transport Review

Monday 29th Apr 2024

Conwy’s Education Service seeks permission to review the Home to School Transport Policy and to consult the public about non-statutory home to school transport.

Members of the Education Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet will be asked to support a review of home to school transport arrangements.

The review will look at discretionary (non-statutory) arrangements, including: Transport to Denominational Schools; Traveller Children School Transport within a Statutory Distance; Course Continuation following a change of address; Dual Residency; and Post 16 transport.

Statutory* home to school transport is not part of the review and will remain unchanged.

Cllr Julie Fallon, Cabinet Member for Education said, “School transport is generally considered to be the fastest growing cost in local authorities’ annual budgets. As such, it’s important that we review the service we provide.”

If given the green light, the review is expected to start this autumn, and a report will be presented to councillors at a later date for consideration.


Further Information:

The report requesting permission to review the Home to School Transport Policy will be presented to Education and Skills Overview and Scrutiny committee on 18 July 2023 and Cabinet on 22 August 2023.

Link to committee report: Home to School Transport Policy review

*Statutory home to school transport: Local Authorities must provide free home to school transport for learners of compulsory school age attending primary school who live 2 miles or further from their nearest suitable school, and for learners of compulsory school age attending secondary school who live 3 miles or further from their nearest suitable school.